Thursday, April 1, 2010

Endoscopic Ultrasound

Tomorrow at 11:45 I'm going to be having an ultrasound of sorts to see what sex my cancer is.

Hahahah, I "CRACK" myself up.

Oh man, I'm on a roll.

Ha! Okay, I'm an idiot. But in all seriousness the ultrasound is to see just what phase (how deep) the cancer is in. If it's phase 1, or T1 as they call it, then I could be in business, and have everything out (literally) by next Friday and be home for recovery (a much faster recovery). If it is past that or if they see any sort of complications that could arise from the simple surgery, then I'll be in the hospital for a few days and then home recovery for 6 weeks.

Needless to say, what we find out tomorrow plays a huge roll in shaping my next few weeks, if not my life. So wish me luck!!

(Sorry I was in a "mood" tonight. I blame the cleaning procedure and the lack of food for the last 24 hours)


  1. All the way from Holland we want you, stacy and the kids wish all the luck. You will recouver and we will think of you. Thanks for the blog. So we can can follow without asking questions all the time. Take care!!!

  2. Well at least you haven't lost your sense of humor... :)

    We're thinking of all of you and praying for the best.

  3. I wouldnt expect any less from you. You crack me up and I have missed having you around work to crack jokes with. I am hoping and praying for the best for you. Let me know if you need anything at all!
