Friday, April 16, 2010

Preliminary Update

I'm very sorry that I have not updated everyone sooner then this!  It's been a long couple of days.  The surgery went good.  It was about the size of a Penny.  Trav has a follow-up appointment on the 27th, which will help us know if we got everything or if a second surgery is necessary!  Trav is currently in a bit of pain and so he can't get on the computer and update, but stay tuned!  I took notes of some of the funny things Trav said when he was waking up and super loopy, and will post later for your amusement!

Thank you for your messages and continued support!

-Stacy Jean-


  1. Happy to hear that things went well. :)

  2. Thanks for the update. We will keep you in our prayers.

    Bishop Wade

  3. Thank you! We think about you often and you're all in our prayers. Can't wait to hear what Travis said while coming out of anesthesia. :)

  4. Yeah, thanks for the update. Best wishes. Looking forward to Wednesday's event.

  5. The comedy night was great. Congrats again on beating this!
