Tuesday, April 27, 2010

While under the influence...

When Travis was given some coke and crackers he told the nurse:

They should give coke and crackers for sacrament.  Then we can just nibble on them and when you are done it'll be time for the prayer!

The cup he was given had some writing on it, so he read it and then turned to where the nurse had just left and said:

WOW!!!  A hundred years!  Congratulations!  (the cup said something the hospital being open for a hundred years!)

He was unable to go to the bathroom and after sharing this with me I told him I was sorry and he responded:

You know that's just the way it goes sometimes.  Sometimes shepherds loose their sheep and that's the way it goes! 

There was a table that the nurse pulled up from the side of the chair and he was amazed by it:
WOAH!  Where did that come from! (A lot of this one is the way he said it!)

He just randomnly told me this:
I threw up in their bag.  I bet we pay for that.  I hope I didn't ruin it.

He was upset they didn't start out with giving him the morphine:

Whatever they give me for pain, I take!  I mean, DUH (While hitting his forehead). He then dramatically rolled his eyes and shook his head for a few minutes.  He then pointed to where the nurse left and mouthed "retarded"!

The nurse came in and was surprised at how much he ate and he said:
I had myself a bit of a feast!

When he left for surgery his gown was inside out, when he came back I noted it was not anymore and he said:
They stripped me down....I should have worked out more.

I realized I had put Hunters pants on backwards and Trav told him:
Don't go into surgery buddy, then they strip you down.


  1. hilarious. I am so glad you thought to write them down (I'm sure Trav appreciates it too)

  2. How much of this does he remember?

  3. LOL!!!!! I loved that you shared this with us! I was laughing pretty hard! So glad to hear you guys won the battle! Congrats! I am soooo happy for you guys!

  4. This is hilarious!! I was laughing out loud. I could totally see Travis saying these things. ha ha ... Thanks for sharing! :)
