Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Colostomy recommended

Dr. Gonzales(GI dr performing the colonoscopy) recommends a colostomy. There is a sinus tract that is allowing air and other stuff to pass through. It sounds like the fistula is basically still there. He said some day they may be able to operate, but as of right now the risk is not worth it. The tissue looks a lot better then it use to, not as swollen, which I wonder if that's because he has been on ibuprofen. Dr. said if it was him then there would be no hesitation in getting a colostomy. He is supposed to follow up with Dr. Foley(surgeon). Dr. Foley was also present for the Colonoscopy.

As of right now Travis' pain is so severe and the quality of life is diminishing and so a Colostomy is better than this.

They did not biopsy anything because there were no ulceration or mass effect, which is awesome! No visible cancer!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

He's home!


FaceTime was more realistic today!!! We got Trav home a couple days early. He still has a way to go before being better, but he's able to rest at home, yay! We are all so happy to have him home, just his presence makes us feel more complete!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Things went well today. Travis is recovering in the hospital for a few days. His ostomy is reversed and we are praying that things start working so he can come home!

Visiting Daddy!

Hospital had restrictions so the kids couldn't go see Daddy so we did FaceTime instead!!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Surgery Prep


We are going to miss Daddy while he is at the Hospital. Lots of tears while everyone was going to bed