Saturday, March 22, 2014

negative biopsy, but it looks like cancer?

Travis had an appointment with his GI doctor on Wednesday. He said that although the biopsy results came back as negative, it still looked like cancer and so they would like Travis to have an Endoscopic Ultrasound. That is scheduled to be in a couple weeks.

So to recap where we are at with everything:
Ulcer inside his colon: Negative but suspicious
Polyp inside his colon: Negative
Area outside of the colon: suspicious but not able to biopsy without surgery and so we will repeat MRI in a couple months.
Maintenance Chemo is just Avastin every other week.

Still so many questions and uncertainty! Please continue your prayers! If you feel inspired to do so please include Trav in your fast on the 30th, he’ll have the Endoscopic Ultrasound that week! Thank you for your continued support!

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