Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Surgery Update

Met with the doctor this morning. And we learned a lot.

Here's the thing. There are two types of surgeries possible for me right now as I've mentioned. One of them is more like a scope in concept. The surgery is done is like a scope, they don't have to go through my abdomen in other words. You usually only run this type of procedure if the cancer is in Stage 1. I'm in stage 2 according to the ultrasound. However, because the ultrasound can sometimes "overshoot" how far along the cancer is, it's possible it's actually still in stage 1. My situation is EXTREMELY complicated because of the location of the cancer (only 5 centimeters in). It's a VERY complicated location. So, the surgeon thinks it's a better option to run this surgery first. If it fails, or I find out they couldn't get it all, I'll need a 2nd surgery. One where they go through my abdomen. It will be easier for me to list the pros and cons so you can see why we are doing this. So here they are:

Simpler Surgery (performed similar to a scope) Pros:
  1. I won't be an inpatient at the hospital.
  2. I won't need the Colostomy (assuming it's successful in removing it all)
  3. I will recover more quickly (I'll be up and running by next week)
  4. I won't risk damaging any nerves (And without getting into details, they are important for having a family. )
  5. It doesn't burn any bridges, meaning we still have options.

Simple Surgery Cons:
  1. If it fails, I'll need a 2nd (and most likely a third surgery)

More Aggressive Surgery (through the abdomen) Pros:
  1. It has a much higher success rate in removing cancer, since they can take out lymph nodes etc around the cancer, so if I really am in stage 2, it will cure me. While the other procedure probably would not. (While it's the only pro at this point it's a BIG pro. The ultimate goal remember is to be cured of the cancer)

More Aggressive Surgery Cons:
  1. Would be another 3-8 weeks before I'd heal
  2. Would have to stay in hospital for a few days after procedure.
  3. Would for sure need a "temporary-ostamy" (through the small intestine)
  4. Would need a 2nd surgery to remove and seal up the " temporary-ostamy" some weeks afterward with a few days recovery time.
  5. Would possibly damage the nerves I mentioned earlier, completely destroying chances to have more children among other things.
  6. Increases the chances for Colostomy; because of the location of my cancer, it would be likely.
  7. If they get in there and find out its stage 1, it's too late. And quite possibly would end up with a Colostomy or damaged "functions" for nothing.

So, the idea is that if this simple procedure cures me, and I'm 100% cancer free, then it was less painful, less expensive, and MUCH less risk taking. If it fails, I'll be seeing a lot more of the hospital.

I will keep you updated. My spirits are high, and I truly am hopeful this first surgery does the trick. If not, I have a heck of a couple months in front of me. And it could change my life forever with a Colostomy. So a bit scary. The surgeon seems to think its around 50/50 that this first surgery will work, but the chances are good enough that we should take a shot at it. (Stacy is 100% convinced this will do the trick, I wish I had her faith!!!) I'll let you know what happens. So, I'll be prepping tomorrow. Which is LOTS of fun :(. Then surgery Thursday morning. I'll update you then.

Thanks and wish me luck!


  1. Good luck Travis!! We will be thinking of you and praying for you!! I hope this surgery is all you need. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help out!

  2. You had a lot of people fasting for you over the weekend, so there is a lot of reason to have faith in the scope procedure. We'll keep praying for you.

  3. Love you Trav! We are all fasting and praying for you. In fact, you even have people in Argentina and Chile praying for you!!!

    I hope you can feel our strength, and I know that faith can do anything!
