Friday, March 12, 2010

New Meds

He continued with about half the bottle and began to improve, but then got worse, not quite back to the start, but similar bathroom experience and a lot of intense abdominal pain. He also experienced nausea and dizziness all throughout this. So the doctor prescribed Vancocin on March 5th. I spent quite a bit of time trying to track down this medicine, and it ended up being a 1000 dollar prescription, thankfully we have insurance so that wasn’t our bill! Travis once again started improving, even better than before. But on March 12 the blood and Mucous returned, and the pain/pressure started coming back. We put in a call to the doctor Monday morning, and he said Trav needs a scope. So he set up the appointment, but the GI doctor then decided that he wanted to just meet with Trav.

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