I look at this picture and a flood of emotion runs through me.
Happiness, hope, sadness, fear, regret, satisfaction. All of it and then
some. Things were turning "simple" for us when this picture was taken.
The next two years provided nothing but progress and hope.
it happened. I still remember the exact words and the sound of the
doctors voice is as vivid today as it was then "The test came back
showing positive for cancer." 4 1/2 years have all but been consumed by
disease, illness, depression, anxiety, and worst if all: hopelessness.
Today I fight each day to wake up and I have to make a very and all to
real choice to have hope and be as happy as possible. Some of the damage
done will never be reversed in this life. Some will with time. And some
already has.
But I know I'll be okay. Even if things don't
"work out" the way I want. I know God has a plan for me. And someday
I'll be back in the arms of my Savior and I'll finally be able to say "I
did it, I'm home, thank You, I could not have done it without you ."