This is a place for us to easily update everyone about Trav's progress! Some of it is very detailed, you could find this information if you googled it, but don't read if you don't want to know!! :D
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Happy New Year
Well could fall asleep any minute, I'm so sick and so we stayed home and I'm calling an early night. 2014 was one of the hardest years, very worn out from our trials...but also so grateful for those who strengthened and supported us! Trav has a surgery next week to reverse his ostomy, we will hopefully have happy scans and hopefully stop chemo next year! We have learned so much and have been very blessed. Hopeful for an easier 2015, even if we are starting it out sick! Happy New Year!!
Thursday, November 13, 2014
From Travis (Pain)
Someone asked me what the worst part of cancer is. I have to leave
emotional pain out of it, it's too hard to measure that. They wondered
if feeling sick was the worst. That's bad, it is. But if you want to
know what has been the worst for me, I can tell you it's the physical
pain involved. I think many people don't think about that. I know I
never used to. But it's easily been the hardest on a temporal level. It
hurts. It hurts a ton! And it's unique. It's a beast.
Saturday, November 8, 2014
So many procedures...
2 years ago today Travis was diagnosed with Colon Cancer, for the 2nd time. It feels like its been so much longer, 4 surgeries, including two illeostomies, 6 weeks of carrying around a chemo bag, 6 months of intense awful chemo, 6 more months of maintenance chemo, radiation, many scares, many questions, few answers, him losing his ability to walk, ER visits, he lost 90 pounds, nueropathy, stroke, too many MRIs, colonoscopies, ct scans and other tests to count. Through it all we were so blessed to have the constant support of my family, a great ward, wonderful friends and the knowledge that this is all part of a greater plan. 5 months of remission...only 4 years and 7 months to go before we can say hes cancer free and hopefully only 3 more months of Chemo, hopefully only 1 more surgery and we know there will still be many more tests to go.
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
From Travis
Thank you to everyone who posted some pics yesterday with words of
support. This hasn't been easy, but man I've sure had the best support I
could ask for. From beards with bows, to orange-outs and jerseys, to a
personal tweet from my favorite Bronco of all time, it made my day.
And I really wanted to thank you for it. I won't lie, I shed some
tearballs yesterday. It meant that much to me. Thank you.
Sunday, October 19, 2014
From Travis - Comforting a friend with Cancer
this is EXACTLY how I've felt. So many times I've wanted to quit
chemo. Ive wanted to just scream as loud as I could, curl into bed and
bawl my head off, and run away. I've literally fantasized about just
letting it beat me so I could get release
and go to heaven and let it end. It is the loneliest I've ever felt,
the sickest I've ever been, and for the love I'm still exhausted. I
think I've given up hope for ever getting my energy back.
But all that being said, I want to win the fight. I put my head down and shoulder forward and take it one day at a time. I do it for my family, my wife, my kids, but most of all myself. I want life to be on my terms. Yes there are days I feel defeated and maybe the cancer or more accurately all the side effects from treatment, win a battle here and there. It sucks. There is no denying it. But I just tell myself to keep fighting. It's incredibly difficult.
I don't even understand how you feel completely. All our fights are different. I'm not an expert. The only one that knows how you feel and how hard it is, is you. Perhaps that's why its so easy to feel alone. And why it's so hard to stay positive and keep fighting. There are no guarantees fighting hard will get a win in the end. But I truly honestly believe it's worth trying to find out. Hang in there please Jessica. So many people love you and are praying for you. And we don't want to let something so rude and horrible to get a win against us. One day at a time, heck, one moment at a time. Hang in there please please please. No promise I will too. Let's do what we can to get some wins on the column. Heaven knows we need it.
But all that being said, I want to win the fight. I put my head down and shoulder forward and take it one day at a time. I do it for my family, my wife, my kids, but most of all myself. I want life to be on my terms. Yes there are days I feel defeated and maybe the cancer or more accurately all the side effects from treatment, win a battle here and there. It sucks. There is no denying it. But I just tell myself to keep fighting. It's incredibly difficult.
I don't even understand how you feel completely. All our fights are different. I'm not an expert. The only one that knows how you feel and how hard it is, is you. Perhaps that's why its so easy to feel alone. And why it's so hard to stay positive and keep fighting. There are no guarantees fighting hard will get a win in the end. But I truly honestly believe it's worth trying to find out. Hang in there please Jessica. So many people love you and are praying for you. And we don't want to let something so rude and horrible to get a win against us. One day at a time, heck, one moment at a time. Hang in there please please please. No promise I will too. Let's do what we can to get some wins on the column. Heaven knows we need it.
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Monday, September 22, 2014
From Travis
I already knew we had the best home teachers in
the entire world. I had no doubt in my mind, it was obvious. But they're
no longer my home teachers, and
yesterday they still came over. They brought this. Yes it's a mini
Denver Broncos helmet pretty cool by itself right? But then noticed the
fact that it's also signed by Chris Harris, one of the best cornerbacks
in the NFL. Literally top 10 on pro football focus.

Saturday, September 20, 2014
Friday, September 5, 2014
From Travis
I look at this picture and a flood of emotion runs through me. Happiness, hope, sadness, fear, regret, satisfaction. All of it and then some. Things were turning "simple" for us when this picture was taken. The next two years provided nothing but progress and hope.
Then it happened. I still remember the exact words and the sound of the doctors voice is as vivid today as it was then "The test came back showing positive for cancer." 4 1/2 years have all but been consumed by disease, illness, depression, anxiety, and worst if all: hopelessness.
Today I fight each day to wake up and I have to make a very and all to real choice to have hope and be as happy as possible. Some of the damage done will never be reversed in this life. Some will with time. And some already has.
But I know I'll be okay. Even if things don't "work out" the way I want. I know God has a plan for me. And someday I'll be back in the arms of my Savior and I'll finally be able to say "I did it, I'm home, thank You, I could not have done it without you ."
Friday, August 29, 2014
He walked!
I can't even begin to explain the joy I have watching Trav walk and to be feeling well enough to enjoy time with the family!!

Sunday, August 17, 2014
From Travis
loving just sitting around with the family. There are so many things I
have taken for granted in my life. So many things. As long as I'm alive
and have my family I have exactly what I want. All these pains, trials,
and tears remind me what I really want.
Despite the fact things aren't done and I'm far from physically normal/stabilized still, I feel so normal at this moment. And it's amazing.
Despite the fact things aren't done and I'm far from physically normal/stabilized still, I feel so normal at this moment. And it's amazing.
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
From Travis
Feels good to be home from the hospital. I wish all the painful
symptoms would have stayed behind at the hospital, but I will take what I
can get. I love being with my family, so it's totally worth it.
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Travis in the hospital
Travis is still at the hospital and his release date is TBD! He needs to be able to handle a full liquid diet still. He is determined to get home soon, so he is trying to be good!
Thank you so much to those that sacrificed to help us move yesterday! It's been so hard to do so much without Travs help, but I have been blessed by so many others to help!
Daddy let us stop by for a few minutes! We let him rest most the day so that he can get better and come home, but took him on his daily walk and ordered him his boost! We sure miss having Daddy home!
I hope this does not offend, but in the end when I am in this situation I need to look our for myself. Please wait until after my hospital stay is over before trying to arrange a visit at my home. If we can do that and I feel up to it , then we will.
Thank you everyone. Your prayers go so much further than a visit at this point. Thanks again.
Thank you so much to those that sacrificed to help us move yesterday! It's been so hard to do so much without Travs help, but I have been blessed by so many others to help!
Daddy let us stop by for a few minutes! We let him rest most the day so that he can get better and come home, but took him on his daily walk and ordered him his boost! We sure miss having Daddy home!
From Travis:
Hello everyone. I am here at the hospital and just had a visit from
Stacy and the kids. It brings up a point I want to ask of everyone.
While at the hospital I have a hard time with visitors as my main focus
is rest and comfort ( as much as I can anyway). I loved seeing Stacy and
the kids, but as they are my family they are the exception. I know
people have expressed the desire to come visit.
Honestly the best thing
you can do for me is to allow me to rest and have time to myself
while in the hospital. This pretty much applies to anyone not under the
same roof at home with me. (So sorry to family under other a different
roof!!! )
I hope this does not offend, but in the end when I am in this situation I need to look our for myself. Please wait until after my hospital stay is over before trying to arrange a visit at my home. If we can do that and I feel up to it , then we will.
Thank you everyone. Your prayers go so much further than a visit at this point. Thanks again.
Friday, August 8, 2014
Bowel Blockage
Ran home to help with Travs ostomy, ended up at the hospital getting fluids and his drain pulled rest the way out. At least he still has a smile!
Later that day...Same hospital, different location and no more smile. Travis is in the ER now.
Later...Travis is being admitted for bowel blockage. Going to monitor overnight. Keep the prayers coming!
Friday, August 1, 2014
From Travis
to be home. The peace I feel here is priceless. I do not look forward
to my next surgery, but until then, I'm where I belong and want to be.
Hospitals are just awful. I was going insane in there.
The pain is unpleasant, and obviously my life is once again thrown for a loop (pun intended: loop illeostomy), but just like everything else: one day at a time.
Thank you everyone for the prayers.
The pain is unpleasant, and obviously my life is once again thrown for a loop (pun intended: loop illeostomy), but just like everything else: one day at a time.
Thank you everyone for the prayers.
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
From Travis

I promise I'm smiling.
I've had some issues in my hospital stay. Some very painful ones at that. I could use any and all prayers you can give. I have my phone but please limit communication to me. I'd like to use my phone on a need to basis while I'm here. If you need anything you may ask here but I may or not be able to get back to you. I look forward to getting passed all this and I am currently in "one day at a time mode" to save my sanity. Love you all.
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Travis is out of surgery. It went great, it went the way it was supposed to. He got an epidural to help manage the pain and he's in and out right now and trying to rest. We are praying for things to now heal quickly so he can have the reversal surgery, be able to walk again and be pain free! Thanks for all the prayers!
Monday, July 21, 2014
Surgery Scheduled
Travis has surgery next Tuesday to place an illeostomy until the fistula and abscess can heal. Unfortunately he has to keep the drain in as well. They are working on getting him set up with an anesthesiologist to discuss doing some nerve numbing to lessen the pain. We are happy with having a plan, but we've been here before and so there's also a lot of dread going into this procedure. When we started this 2nd round of cancer I never would've imagined we'd still be fighting so much. At one point they thought we'd be done by Christmas...of 2012, obviously they were a little too optimistic! From there it's just been a roller coaster of hope and despair. It's so hard to watch Trav fight this, I love him so much and I'm so grateful for all of his awesomeness! We are ready for Trav to get healthy so we can enjoy this remission!
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Travis is still in pain
Travis update: he's still struggling a lot with pain, despite all his meds, which is crazy to me. He still has his drain because his colon and absess are communicating with each other through a fistula. He meets with his surgeon in a week and a half to plan what's next. For now he's chilling in Washington at my amazing sisters house! He had a couple good days, but the last few have been really rough. Someone let us borrow a wheelchair, which allowed him to make it to my nephews baptism! Love him lots and still praying for relief.
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Trying to be patient at the hostpial while I wait to find out if Travis gets to leave on Vacation with us tomorrow, and more importantly if he gets some pain relief!
From Travis:
From Travis:
Not sure I care too much for how casually my oncologist throws around the word "Ostomy". No. No. No. Shhhhhh.
No offense intended at all to the fantastic Ostomy wearers out there.
No offense intended at all to the fantastic Ostomy wearers out there.
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Drain update
We just got home from the hospital. There is still more to drain. It's also draining into his colon, which is slowing the process. Please include him in your prayers/fast
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Best Mom!
Feeling blessed! This is always a busy week for my Mom, and next week is too, but my Mom has taken care of the kids every second she can, fitting them in between errands, she took them to the splash pad and zoo and she cleaned my downstairs! This is after I told her not to because she does too much, guess my stubbornness comes from her! Grateful for a Mom that still knows what's best for me
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Happy Birthday Travis
Poor Travis spent his birthday in bed, in tons of pain and running a fever. He called the Dr and the best idea they had was to put him back on the 2 antibiotics he was on when the abscess grew more and it also made him feel sick. We are still waiting for all the cultures to come in so he can take the correct antibiotics. Trav has blown me away with his strength and attitude through all this! He's incredible, love you babe!
Birthday selfie 2014! Yay for feeling like I am dying!
Monday, June 30, 2014
Pain continues
No relief for Travis yet, in fact things are worse. Poor guy can't move without pain, really can't sit without pain. We really hope this works!
Friday, June 27, 2014
Travis had a CT scan and they drained his abscess. He was sent home with a drain, it's going through the muscle and that's an all new pain.. Praying for some relief for him!
Friday, June 6, 2014
No drain
CT scan done, waiting now for Travis to get his abscess drained!
Later that day:Sadly they could not do the drain because of the location. Another wasted day at the hospital. But Travis is in remission, that's still such great news! My family rocks, they have taken care of us and supported us in so many different ways! My Mom watches the kids every week! And she's a blast, she doesn't just watch...she plays with them and plans things. We also have an incredible ward! We have a lot to be thankful for! We had another setback, but there is hope and a lot to be grateful for!
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
We have waited 19 months to hear a simple sentence and today it finally happened! Travis is in remission!!! Travis has endured so much and I'm so proud of him!!
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Good new from Travis
From Travis:
"Well, as usual I am here to give an update before talking to my doctor for the official results. I risk having to eat my words (as I have before). So, all this could change. BUT I was too excited not to share it. The report from the endoscopic ultrasound/biopsy came in today through my MyHealth site. This is on the only area of concern left (at this moment /crosses fingers).
That's the good news, the bad news is that what they did find is "consistent with an
abscess". That COULD explain the growing and the subsequent hugging of the nerves. Not sure where I go from here...more updates to come.
Just to point out, had this tested positive for cancer I would have been in a lot of trouble. Hence the Skadoosh."
"Well, as usual I am here to give an update before talking to my doctor for the official results. I risk having to eat my words (as I have before). So, all this could change. BUT I was too excited not to share it. The report from the endoscopic ultrasound/biopsy came in today through my MyHealth site. This is on the only area of concern left (at this moment /crosses fingers).
That's the good news, the bad news is that what they did find is "consistent with an
abscess". That COULD explain the growing and the subsequent hugging of the nerves. Not sure where I go from here...more updates to come.
Just to point out, had this tested positive for cancer I would have been in a lot of trouble. Hence the Skadoosh."
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Thursday, May 22, 2014
From Travis - Pain...Cancer again?
This message is really long. For a shorter version scroll down to the paragraph titled: “SHORT VERSION”
Hello everyone. I have an update. A little over a week ago I started having severe pain in my upper left leg/buttocks area. It was a pain I had periodically before over the last couple of months, but it was always temporary and generally not extremely painful. This time, however, it continued to get worse. By the end of last week, it had me staying in bed most of the day screaming in pain into my pillow. Standing up was next to impossible, and walking 5 feet was a daunting task.
By Saturday we gave an ultimatum to ourselves, If it hadn't resolved itself by Monday I would be going into the emergency room. Instead of better, by Monday it was worse. I called the best doctor in the world: Dr. Johnnie Cook, who told me the emergency room was a great choice. Seeing as how he IS the best doctor he mentioned calling my oncologist as an additional option. I did just that. They made room for an appointment in their office. After the examination they rushed an order for an MRI.
A half hour later I was looking up into the MRI machine. Johnnie, combined with the efforts of Dr. Hansens’ office, helped me get the fastest treatment possible without the headache of the ER.
Shortly after getting home that day we got the results on the MyHealth website (amazing invention). It showed that in my bones there was marrow irregularity. It also indicated that the area we had been concerned about (from previous scans) showed growth. Doubling in thickness. This was obviously very concerning. This combined with the pain was not real uplifting. I called Dr Hansen’s office. The nurse I spoke to did not give me a lot of hope. After she explained the results to me, and telling me that I needed to come in to discuss options for treatment, I asked her: “So does this mean it’s cancer?” Her answer? “Yes.”
At the same time my pain had gotten worse still. She helped with that as well by getting a prescription for some patches that I now wear that release pain medication into my body 24 hours a day. I am now up to two of those patches as well as the “pill form” pain medications I was taking for the neuropathic pain. To put the pain into perspective I can tell you that even with all of that, its still in pain and walking is difficult. However the pain is much more manageable finally. I am not screaming into my pillow or helplessly crying in bed.
Back to the diagnosis. I went in to talk with my oncologist and came out of there a little more hopeful. He said he wanted to make sure that it really is cancer. This means he was not as convinced as the nurse indicated. However, he did say he’s worried about it because of the growth in thickness as well as the pain. By the way, he believes the pain is in fact being caused by this growth. In that a nerve has been wrapped or affected somehow by this growth. Causing pain down the leg. As for the bone marrow irregularity, it’s his hope and belief that this is just a result of radiation and that no cancer has reached the bones.
To find out if its cancer, I will be trying to get Dr. Sandhu (who has staged my cancers) in SLC to see if he can in fact biopsy the area. If not, the only option for that would be to perform an invasive surgery for direct biopsy. This is so invasive that I would probably end up with infection in addition to a colostomy with a number of other risks. That’s a huge risk for a biopsy. So if it ends up being positive or we can’t get a biopsy, I will begin chemo treatments again. Unfortunately we cannot operate on it or continue radiation in the area. So chemo would be my only choice.
Obviously this is not the greatest news. It’s important to maintain hope that it’s not cancer, or that if it is I can fight it off. As always I need your prayers and good vibes. In return I promise to do everything I can to win the fight and stay positive.
To sum it all up:
----- “SHORT VERSION” ----- About a week and a half ago I started feeling extreme pain in upper left leg/lower buttocks. It got worse until Monday of this week I finally went to the Dr for it. I got an MRI which showed bone marrow irregularity as well as growth in the area of previous concern outside of the colon. My doctor (his nurse actually) originally told me it was cancer. But since then he is not 100% convinced and wants to run a biopsy. If I CAN get a biopsy and it’s positive, or if a biopsy is not possible, I will start chemo treatments again. Again I ask for prayers and good vibes. Wish me luck.
Hello everyone. I have an update. A little over a week ago I started having severe pain in my upper left leg/buttocks area. It was a pain I had periodically before over the last couple of months, but it was always temporary and generally not extremely painful. This time, however, it continued to get worse. By the end of last week, it had me staying in bed most of the day screaming in pain into my pillow. Standing up was next to impossible, and walking 5 feet was a daunting task.
By Saturday we gave an ultimatum to ourselves, If it hadn't resolved itself by Monday I would be going into the emergency room. Instead of better, by Monday it was worse. I called the best doctor in the world: Dr. Johnnie Cook, who told me the emergency room was a great choice. Seeing as how he IS the best doctor he mentioned calling my oncologist as an additional option. I did just that. They made room for an appointment in their office. After the examination they rushed an order for an MRI.
A half hour later I was looking up into the MRI machine. Johnnie, combined with the efforts of Dr. Hansens’ office, helped me get the fastest treatment possible without the headache of the ER.
Shortly after getting home that day we got the results on the MyHealth website (amazing invention). It showed that in my bones there was marrow irregularity. It also indicated that the area we had been concerned about (from previous scans) showed growth. Doubling in thickness. This was obviously very concerning. This combined with the pain was not real uplifting. I called Dr Hansen’s office. The nurse I spoke to did not give me a lot of hope. After she explained the results to me, and telling me that I needed to come in to discuss options for treatment, I asked her: “So does this mean it’s cancer?” Her answer? “Yes.”
At the same time my pain had gotten worse still. She helped with that as well by getting a prescription for some patches that I now wear that release pain medication into my body 24 hours a day. I am now up to two of those patches as well as the “pill form” pain medications I was taking for the neuropathic pain. To put the pain into perspective I can tell you that even with all of that, its still in pain and walking is difficult. However the pain is much more manageable finally. I am not screaming into my pillow or helplessly crying in bed.
Back to the diagnosis. I went in to talk with my oncologist and came out of there a little more hopeful. He said he wanted to make sure that it really is cancer. This means he was not as convinced as the nurse indicated. However, he did say he’s worried about it because of the growth in thickness as well as the pain. By the way, he believes the pain is in fact being caused by this growth. In that a nerve has been wrapped or affected somehow by this growth. Causing pain down the leg. As for the bone marrow irregularity, it’s his hope and belief that this is just a result of radiation and that no cancer has reached the bones.
To find out if its cancer, I will be trying to get Dr. Sandhu (who has staged my cancers) in SLC to see if he can in fact biopsy the area. If not, the only option for that would be to perform an invasive surgery for direct biopsy. This is so invasive that I would probably end up with infection in addition to a colostomy with a number of other risks. That’s a huge risk for a biopsy. So if it ends up being positive or we can’t get a biopsy, I will begin chemo treatments again. Unfortunately we cannot operate on it or continue radiation in the area. So chemo would be my only choice.
Obviously this is not the greatest news. It’s important to maintain hope that it’s not cancer, or that if it is I can fight it off. As always I need your prayers and good vibes. In return I promise to do everything I can to win the fight and stay positive.
To sum it all up:
----- “SHORT VERSION” ----- About a week and a half ago I started feeling extreme pain in upper left leg/lower buttocks. It got worse until Monday of this week I finally went to the Dr for it. I got an MRI which showed bone marrow irregularity as well as growth in the area of previous concern outside of the colon. My doctor (his nurse actually) originally told me it was cancer. But since then he is not 100% convinced and wants to run a biopsy. If I CAN get a biopsy and it’s positive, or if a biopsy is not possible, I will start chemo treatments again. Again I ask for prayers and good vibes. Wish me luck.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
From Travis
you have not seen Stacy's post, I should let you know the biopsy
results came in on the ulcer and it's not cancerous. We had gotten the
same news before after the colonoscopy but it's nice to know for sure.
Now we just need to wait and rescan the questionable area outside the
colon in a few months (we cannot run a biopsy on it without very
invasive and risk heavy surgery). Once we get the final word about that
I can officially say I'm in remission as long as nothing else sneaks up
before then.
So far so good.
So far so good.
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Still waiting
Well 19 days after Travis'
ultrasound we have no results. Trav is supposed to get a return call
tomorrow, we will see! It's not like we are waiting to see if Trav has
cancer...oh wait!! Trav has Avastin every other week still, his blood
work was great this last week! Grateful for all those who have stuck
with us and still supporting us!
Monday, April 14, 2014
Happy Valentines Day!

Made our day yesterday! So fun!
From Travis:
Just an update. I still have not received a definitive result to my
most recent test. What HAS come back shows negative, but in the report
itself it states it should not be used for diagnosis. So I wait...
Travis heard from Dr. Sandhu! He said that all test deny cancer or malignancy! He suggest rescanning in a few months!
Friday, April 4, 2014
4 years
I'm so grateful to those that have been there to support me! While Travis
is at the center of this, its been rough on me and the kids too and so I
appreciate those who offer kind words and prayers for me, beyond just
supporting Trav! Had a bummer day today and we will update as we get
better results, but Trav has a scan Monday and we are praying for
something good. It's been 4 years since my kids got sick, which got Trav
sick, which gave him the sinus infection that caused him to take an
anti-biotic that caused the stubborn c. Diff, that gave them a reason to
scope him, which is how we found the cancer. 4 years, crazy!
Rough day
Yesterday was exhausting! We waited over 3 hours before they took Travis
back, had an awful nurse who just guessed on what we were doing,
instead of reading the notes on the file saying Trav was to be sedated
and was getting biopsies. She was a jerk to me, and Trav had to fight
with her to get her to do exactly what she was supposed to. The
procedure was an hour and a half, instead of the 15 to 30 minutes we
were expecting. I walk into recovery and Trav groggily tells me he
heard him say something about cancer. I tried to stay optimistic, but
was devastated. They gave him one could tell us why
and no one asked permission to do so, but it added an hour to us waiting
in recovery. The Dr comes in and tells us it looked like cancer, the
ulcer is huge and it's deep and looks like a cancerous mass, however,
the early pathology report came back not cancerous which surprised him.
I was asked this morning how I was doing and I started bawling...I got better...but it was an unnecessarily rough day yesterday! we wait a week for results! On the positive side my husband is amazing and had me rolling in laughter yesterday! I adore him! My parents rock, balancing things yesterday, I seriously don't know how I would get through this without their constant perfect support! I can't wait for conference tomorrow!!
I was asked this morning how I was doing and I started bawling...I got better...but it was an unnecessarily rough day yesterday! we wait a week for results! On the positive side my husband is amazing and had me rolling in laughter yesterday! I adore him! My parents rock, balancing things yesterday, I seriously don't know how I would get through this without their constant perfect support! I can't wait for conference tomorrow!!
Saturday, March 22, 2014
negative biopsy, but it looks like cancer?
had an appointment with his GI doctor on Wednesday. He said that
although the biopsy results came back as negative, it still looked like
cancer and so they would like Travis to have an Endoscopic Ultrasound.
That is scheduled to be in a couple weeks.
So to recap where we are at with everything:
Ulcer inside his colon: Negative but suspicious
Polyp inside his colon: Negative
Area outside of the colon: suspicious but not able to biopsy without surgery and so we will repeat MRI in a couple months.
Maintenance Chemo is just Avastin every other week.
So to recap where we are at with everything:
Ulcer inside his colon: Negative but suspicious
Polyp inside his colon: Negative
Area outside of the colon: suspicious but not able to biopsy without surgery and so we will repeat MRI in a couple months.
Maintenance Chemo is just Avastin every other week.
Still so many questions and uncertainty! Please continue your prayers!
If you feel inspired to do so please include Trav in your fast on the
30th, he’ll have the Endoscopic Ultrasound that week! Thank you for
your continued support!
Friday, March 7, 2014
From Travis
No malignancy in the NEW areas. Not to be confused with the other previous location still to be determined. Stacy and I are certainly happy with the news so far though.
Thursday, March 6, 2014
They did a biopsy of a couple spots for Travis
today, not the place we thought though, just other things they found
during the colonoscopy. We will now wait for results and expect those
results to cause more questions and waiting! Grateful to my family for
taking care of things today and yesterday! They are amazing! Happy colon
cancer awareness month!
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
From Travis : Colon Cancer Awareness
It's colon cancer awareness month. As I've done every year since my first diagnosis, I am here to remind everyone.
If there is ANY doubt in your mind about whether something is wrong
with exercise caution and get checked.
And if you are of age, 40 is the new 50, then get checked. (Not that
it always means you are safe if you aren't of age. Me <---- example.="" p=""> The most common symptom of colon cancer is no symptom
at all. The procedure to get checked is painless and easy. The fight
against colon cancer -- well, IT'S NOT!! Take it from someone who
It literally hurt to sit at the computer to write this message. Don't let my pain go to waste!
It literally hurt to sit at the computer to write this message. Don't let my pain go to waste!

Friday, February 28, 2014
PET scan results
Travis got his PET scan results. They weren't real helpful! He had a few places of activity that could be normal, inflammation or Cancer. The plan is watch and wait. He should be getting a procedure in the next couple weeks done to see if he keeps the ostomy or gets it reversed!
Trav is walking and driving these days and has come a long way the last couple months!
Trav is walking and driving these days and has come a long way the last couple months!
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
MRI results
From Travis:
Hope this doesn't sound too ominous or negative - I'm about to head to the doctors to discuss results. It feels like I'm going to a sentencing trial (not that I know how that feels) - but I kinda wish I was going to one instead.
From Stacy:
Well...MRI leans toward it just being inflammation. Dr. Hansen wants to see if we can do an MRI or CT guided biopsy with a needle. If they can't and recommend a surgery for biopsy Dr. Hansen does not recommend that because its invasive and a lot could go wrong, especially in an area that's been radiated. So if that's the only way to biopsy then he would like us to just wait and repeat scans in a few months. Trav will continue with Avastin half an hour every other week, unless insurance won't let him, then they will do a little 5fu and Fusilev which will make it a couple hours every other week. He recommends for a year, but we will continue to re-assess! Dr. Hansen was optimistic. Travis and I are both optimistic as well!
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
From Travis
I think I've only checked my "My Health" site for test results 4091 times. Not too bad right?
Monday, February 17, 2014
From Travis
Here I am in lots of pain, feeling so incredibly worn out, anxious about the test results...then out of no where Rick and Michelle come and get the kids to take them to the zoo. Miracle workers I say....miracle workers...
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Thanks for the support
I have a love/hate relationship with Facebook. I hate how fake and mean
people can be and sometimes feel bad cause I'm not the super Mom
everyone else appears to be, don't have a house, not doing what I want
to be doing, etc...but I love the support. Cancer sucks and is the
scariest most awful thing...but its been real awesome to be able to post
needs, updates or to vent and have additional support and prayers,
beyond those that would normally know without Facebook! We sincerely
appreciate all the support we've received our entire life...from Aidens
failure to thrive up to and through Travis' cancer! We've been blessed with wonderful friends and family, thank you!
From Travis:
Pain...Pain....Go Away... (to the tune of Rain, Rain, Go Away)
From Travis:
Pain...Pain....Go Away... (to the tune of Rain, Rain, Go Away)
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
From Travis
Well my friends, let me take you on the roller coaster ride I call my life lol. I know we all have em similar-like, so you understand.
So you know how preliminary results can be different from the official results? Yeah. They are. Unfortunately there is something glowing something furious on the PET-CT scan in my pelvic area outside of the colon. This is not the thickening of the walls we thought it was. Though that is also still in question. This is something different entirely. It's a nice little u-shaped glow outside the colon.
Unfortunately the early news is they highly suspect this is cancer. It
still COULD be inflammation. So I'm not telling you I have cancer out
there, it's just likely. I'm praying for a miracle folks. This stuff is
getting on my nerves, and boy am I getting tired. And it's tough to beat
once it escapes. Boy I could sure use some good news and have it stick!
MRI is in my near future to see if they can get a better image. Prayers my friends...hardcore prayers.
MRI is in my near future to see if they can get a better image. Prayers my friends...hardcore prayers.
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Hasn't spread yet
We don't get our official results until Friday. But so far things are
looking good. It's not looking like the cancer has spread!! Yay! There
is some colon wall thickening we are praying is nothing. I fell
cautiously optimistic that there may be an end in the near future! Travis
is in a lot of pain and sick still, but we are so thankful for my
family, friends and neighbors for lightening our load right now. Thank
you for all the many prayers as well, we feel the love and support!
From Travis:
Good news and "grey" area news:
Having a rough night physically. Yet I'm content. Seeing things with a clarity that I've never really been able to achieve before now.
From Travis:
Good news and "grey" area news:
Good news first: No metastatic disease visible. Which is a fancy way
of saying it doesn't look like the cancer has spread anywhere for the
time being. So YAY!
Grey news: Thickening of colon wall is present, highly suspicious of colon cancer. could also be inflammation from all the crap that my colon has gone through. Wow, what a bad pun. Anyway, stay tuned for biopsy results at a future date...
Grey news: Thickening of colon wall is present, highly suspicious of colon cancer. could also be inflammation from all the crap that my colon has gone through. Wow, what a bad pun. Anyway, stay tuned for biopsy results at a future date...
Having a rough night physically. Yet I'm content. Seeing things with a clarity that I've never really been able to achieve before now.
Monday, February 10, 2014
From Travis
Well I'm home from the scan, now just need to wait on the results.
Weird though, their computer was broken so they were initially concerned
it didn't scan correctly. But in the end they said they were 99% sure I
wouldn't have to come back to get rescanned. Now we wait for the
results. I'm nervous. Easily the "biggest deal" scan I've ever done!
Sunday, February 9, 2014
PET scan tomorrow...praying its clear that things are great! Friday we
meet with the oncologist to find out what now! Thanks for all the
support and prayers!
Friday, February 7, 2014
From Travis
Thankful tonight for my beautiful wife who is always there for me. No
matter the storm or reason I'm down, she is there to lift me up and have
my back without question. These last few days have been so rough with
so much physical pain and I'm getting so tired emotionally. She doesn't
complain or hesitate to be there for me. Anyone that can't see how
amazing she is...well, you're dead to me. Simple as that.
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
I'm so grateful to those that have been there to support me! While Travis
is at the center of this, its been rough on me and the kids too and so I
appreciate those who offer kind words and prayers for me, beyond just
supporting Trav! Had a bummer day today and we will update as we get
better results, but Trav has a scan Monday and we are praying for
something good. It's been 4 years since my kids got sick, which got Trav
sick, which gave him the sinus infection that caused him to take an
anti-biotic that caused the stubborn c. Diff, that gave them a reason to
scope him, which is how we found the cancer. 4 years, crazy!
Monday, February 3, 2014
From Travis
So far it's looking like I am not going to be done with chemo this week. But I am still hoping.
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Last week of Chemo?
Well, heading into what we pray is Travis'
last week of Chemo. We are still unsure of the future and if there will
be maintenance doses, or Avastin doses, etc. But we hold onto what we
know, Heavenly Father loves us and this is all part of the plan!
Everyone is 0-0 now, Go Broncos!!
Thursday, January 30, 2014
From Travis
4 AM and up with severe illness caused by the chemo. I've had a rough
five hours. I'm not going to lie, I'm getting very tired with each
passing day. And find it harder and harder to fight. Extra prayers
would be more than welcome. Good vibes too. Which ever way you roll,
Saturday, January 25, 2014
He's sick
It's been a long time since posting, but I feel like a broken record updating on Travis.
He's sick most the time, we expected this, but its still rough. It was
hard to watch him have fewer and fewer good days until there was just
days that were a little better then Chemo days, but not good. We are
anxious to get through this and know the after plan and be done! We are
so grateful for incredible family and friends who often help without us
even asking and send encouraging messages or leave surprises! We are so
blessed! He is obviously very excited for the game, he's been a
faithful fan for so long!! Go Broncos and go Travis!!!
Thursday, January 16, 2014
From Travis
Feeling content today. Perhaps it's the result of my wife
consistently finding the positives in every situation. Or the support
of my family members, ward members, and friends that lift me up.
Perhaps it's other things like Denver finally winning a playoff game for
goodness sake. Perhaps it's all the above and my belief in Christ.
That's a safe bet I think.
I have a hard time sometimes seeing the positives in life. There is a lot of hate in the world, ya know what I mean? I mean about everything - people have to slander, put down, and belittle the most simple of things. Whether it's someones beliefs, or even their hobbies and tastes. But I know one thing for sure: I know good people. And if you are reading this I consider you one of them. And I'm thankful for you.
As always, GO BRONCOS!!!
I have a hard time sometimes seeing the positives in life. There is a lot of hate in the world, ya know what I mean? I mean about everything - people have to slander, put down, and belittle the most simple of things. Whether it's someones beliefs, or even their hobbies and tastes. But I know one thing for sure: I know good people. And if you are reading this I consider you one of them. And I'm thankful for you.
As always, GO BRONCOS!!!
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