This is a place for us to easily update everyone about Trav's progress! Some of it is very detailed, you could find this information if you googled it, but don't read if you don't want to know!! :D
Friday, December 27, 2013
From Travis
Got a personal message on Twitter from Benjamin Burnley of Breaking
Benjamin telling me to keep him updated on my progress with all this.
Just thought I'd share that bit of awesomeness with you. Made me happy.
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Merry Christmas
Thank you Christmas helpers that made the last 12 nights so much fun for our family! As well as thank you to the many people who have sacrificed and helped my family this year, it has been very humbling, and the love we have felt has been overwhelming! We love you all, Merry Christmas!
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Happy Thanksgiving
Oops. Forgot to update last week! Not much has changed though!! He gets sicker every round, he was able to eat some Turkey though!! We had an excellent Thanksgiving, my Mom made an amazing feast...Aiden friendly, she's the best!
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Sunday Update
Sunday update! Travis has continued to be sick this last week (non-chemo week). He meets with GI this week, hoping to get some help
Friday, November 15, 2013
Half way through Chemo
A year and a week ago we found out Travis' fight with cancer was not over. Its been a long year!! As I was reflecting on the awful picc line, radiation, ostomy, surgeries, port, and chemo I was trying to decide which one was the worst part! I then realized how grateful I am for modern medicine and that Travs going to be fine! It's been a rough year on Trav and our family, but he's still fighting! After week 1 of chemo he was ready to quit cause it was so awful, now he's done 6/12 and its getting worse but he's pushing through it! I'm so proud of him and how hard he pushes himself! He's incredible and I love him so much!!
Monday, November 4, 2013
Half way there!
Hey everyone! This week marks the half way point for Trav! For us its exciting, for Trav its harder, its only half way, he has to do it all over again, but he's getting weaker. So, I was thinking of something I could do and wondered if we could get everyone to wear blue or orange(Go Broncos!), post a picture and tag Trav/post to his wall! Just as a way to show him we support and love him! If you aren't friends with him, tag me and ill tag him! I'm kind of late in asking, but it would be cool if we could do it tomorrow while he is at Chemo!

Sunday, October 27, 2013
Weekly update
My weekly update: Chemo is no fun! We are doing fine, everything went smoothly this week, grateful for all the support!
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Quick update
Well I didn't do a good job of updating midweek when we got the results...but Travis did, so hopefully most of you know this already! We love being able to look up results online, no cancer was found in his colon during his colonoscopy! Trav posted an update and tagged me in read that for more details of where he's at right now! Thank you for your continued support, you are all amazing!
Update from Travis
From Travis:
I just wanted to hop on here and give everyone an update. As you all probably know I've been in my 2nd fight against colon cancer. It's been significantly harder this time around vs. the first time I had it. But things have been generally going my way.
My most recent post was a celebratory post on the fact they found no cancer in my colon in my most recent scope. It has become apparent that many believed this to mean my fight was over. Unfortunately it is not. I am still doing chemo, and will be doing so until March.
I have been extremely ill during the treatments. I go in for chemo every other week from Tuesday to Thursday. I get an infusion at the hospital on Tuesday (4 hours), Wednesday (2-4 hours) and Thursday I get disconnected from the pump that I wear Tuesday and Wednesday home.
After the treatments are done I am quite sick until about the following Wednesday. Sadly it has slowly moved more towards Friday now. Meaning I have about 3-5 days every 2 weeks where I feel generally normal. Stacy has updated many of you on the side effects I have. The most prominent are cold sensitivity (which hurts like the dickens), nausea (24/7 and just blah), fatigue, horrible tastes in the mouth, bathroom issues, slight numbness/tingling (which will increase over time), no appetite, slight voice loss, and the sorest bones I'll have out (due to a shot that stimulates white blood cell growth)!!
Another thing that has seemed to come up quite often is the fact I still have my hair. I won't be losing my hair during this treatment. It seems to be a slightly unknown fact that colon cancer patients 99% of the time do not lose their hair. I assure you that while I enjoy this perk, it does not mean that inside my body I am not getting hammered! As a general rule, I look better than I feel. Luckily I have a perma-grin. My teeth are too big to fit in my mouth, so I'm always smiling - whether I like it or not !!
Now one thing I want to point out is we are still uncertain what the spot in my lung was. As of the last scan there was no change, but it had not been long enough for changes to occur. My oncologist has pointed out I am technically a stage IV cancer because of this, and because it's a recurrence. So they are treating me as such.
My cancer is in remission, and I couldn't be more grateful. I hope I don't convey the wrong message with this post. It is meant to be informative. Not to draw upon sympathy or have people feeling all bad and business. That's honestly the last thing I want. I just want prayers and hope.
I'm most certainly not alone in the fight against cancer. The office I go to at McKay Dee is so busy people are waiting in line. I know others are having a much harder fight than I am. And I am doing everything I can to not take that for granted. My prayers are constantly with those who are in this fight, and those affected by it.
I hope this clears up any questions people have. Anyone can feel free to shoot me a personal message to say hi or ask questions. As for me, I'll continue trucking along, and looking forward to March! Then I'll begin my 5 year wait to be declared cancer free!
I just wanted to hop on here and give everyone an update. As you all probably know I've been in my 2nd fight against colon cancer. It's been significantly harder this time around vs. the first time I had it. But things have been generally going my way.
My most recent post was a celebratory post on the fact they found no cancer in my colon in my most recent scope. It has become apparent that many believed this to mean my fight was over. Unfortunately it is not. I am still doing chemo, and will be doing so until March.
I have been extremely ill during the treatments. I go in for chemo every other week from Tuesday to Thursday. I get an infusion at the hospital on Tuesday (4 hours), Wednesday (2-4 hours) and Thursday I get disconnected from the pump that I wear Tuesday and Wednesday home.
After the treatments are done I am quite sick until about the following Wednesday. Sadly it has slowly moved more towards Friday now. Meaning I have about 3-5 days every 2 weeks where I feel generally normal. Stacy has updated many of you on the side effects I have. The most prominent are cold sensitivity (which hurts like the dickens), nausea (24/7 and just blah), fatigue, horrible tastes in the mouth, bathroom issues, slight numbness/tingling (which will increase over time), no appetite, slight voice loss, and the sorest bones I'll have out (due to a shot that stimulates white blood cell growth)!!
Another thing that has seemed to come up quite often is the fact I still have my hair. I won't be losing my hair during this treatment. It seems to be a slightly unknown fact that colon cancer patients 99% of the time do not lose their hair. I assure you that while I enjoy this perk, it does not mean that inside my body I am not getting hammered! As a general rule, I look better than I feel. Luckily I have a perma-grin. My teeth are too big to fit in my mouth, so I'm always smiling - whether I like it or not !!
Now one thing I want to point out is we are still uncertain what the spot in my lung was. As of the last scan there was no change, but it had not been long enough for changes to occur. My oncologist has pointed out I am technically a stage IV cancer because of this, and because it's a recurrence. So they are treating me as such.
My cancer is in remission, and I couldn't be more grateful. I hope I don't convey the wrong message with this post. It is meant to be informative. Not to draw upon sympathy or have people feeling all bad and business. That's honestly the last thing I want. I just want prayers and hope.
I'm most certainly not alone in the fight against cancer. The office I go to at McKay Dee is so busy people are waiting in line. I know others are having a much harder fight than I am. And I am doing everything I can to not take that for granted. My prayers are constantly with those who are in this fight, and those affected by it.
I hope this clears up any questions people have. Anyone can feel free to shoot me a personal message to say hi or ask questions. As for me, I'll continue trucking along, and looking forward to March! Then I'll begin my 5 year wait to be declared cancer free!
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Sunday, October 13, 2013
This week’s update! Well it was a chemo week…we had incredible support and are so grateful for everyone who pitched in to help my family with meals, laundry, taking Travis, watching kids, coordinating things, cleaning my house, getting my kids to go to sleep, etc…it’s been incredible! Tomorrow we are starting the week off with a colonoscopy. Trav is having the same symptoms that have caused concern the last two times we found cancer and so he is getting things checked out.... I’ll post results when we get them…I won’t wait until my Sunday update! Between Trav’s stuff and my sweet niece in NICU it’s just been a rough one, we are sure praying for some good news for both of them. I had a wonderful day fasting with my family, including Aiden…was awesome to have him fasting for Penny and Trav, he was an incredible example to me today! I am trying to focus on the small victories and the tender mercies that I see daily as I try to grasp onto everything that is good, it’s really easy to see all the bad and I’m sorry I report mostly on the bad, but I know that this is all part of our Heavenly Father’s plan and he is blessing our family in many ways through all of this and has prepared us to be able to handle it! Love you all!
Thursday, October 10, 2013
From Travis
Wanted to thank everyone for your support and prayers. Some people have
just gone the extra mile, it has been amazing. I am about to get
disconnected here at the hospital. I look forward to a week from today,
so I can get some freedom from some of these symptoms. Next Monday I
am getting a sort of emergency scope, due to some unwanted and
unfortunate symptoms. Its a little on the stressful side. Any prayers
of comfort would be more than welcome.
Sunday, October 6, 2013
MRI results
This weeks update: Never had his doctor call us with the results of the MRI...another fail from the doctors! However, we looked them up online ourselves and the MRI looked good! Besides that, our house has been pretty quite as we dread next week! Our main focus has shifted to my sweet niece, praying that she can be released from the hospital and go home soon!
Saturday, October 5, 2013
From Travis
When your little girl brings you a baby doll and says:
"She needs surgery. She has cancer."
You do the surgery, and you make that baby happy!
"She needs surgery. She has cancer."
You do the surgery, and you make that baby happy!
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Mini-Stroke...rough week
I've sat here quite a few times in the last week trying to answer facebook's question of what's on my mind! We've had a rough week. Travis had what they believe to be a mini-stroke this last week (droopy/swollen side of face, tingling, inability to talk without slurring words). He has an MRI scheduled this coming Tuesday. Chemo has been really hard this time as well. It makes sense since he has 2 different chemo's, instead of just the one he had last time...but they didn't build it up to be much worse at all. He's been really nauseated, has cold sensitivity, tired, weak, feels like he's floating, looses his voice, neuroapathy, no appetite, and bowel issues. I'm grateful to all the help we have received this last week (freezer meals, taking the kids to the treehouse, babysitting, taking Trav to appts, emotional support, etc)! We couldn't do this alone and are so grateful for the support. I am also grateful to two beautiful YW's testimony today, which strengthened me! Grateful for the emotional boost that Sunday brings, can't wait for Conference next week!
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Since it's been so long since I've updated it's hard to know where to start! Travis is walking and driving now, it's been such a blessing! He has an ileostomy and we are just praying for his fistula, abscess and ulcer to heal. He still goes every other week to chemo! There is a procedure that we might be able to try to fill his fistula. If the fistula is healed we should be able to reverse his illi, otherwise he will have a permanent colostomy, which is another surgery either way. We moved, it's been good, but we miss the daily interactions with my parents cause they are the best! Overall we are doing well, still fighting but making progress!
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
From Travis
Ewwwww. Well, looks like the first day symptoms weren't a fluke last
time. I am extremely grateful for the treatments I have. But literally
scheduling times to have bio-hazardous materials pumped into my body is
one of my least favorite activities.
Sunday, September 1, 2013
We'll all work together
What a week. I'm so happy to have had the support of my family this week! They are superstars! They took care of the kids all week, fed us, and entertained us! Seriously feeling so blessed. Also grateful to have had my cousins, neighbors, and others help out over the past month. Was overcome today as we sang "As sisters in Zion we'll all work together" in relief society! I thought about those who have sacrificed and worked together to "comfort the weary" I know that our Heavenly Father is so pleased with the sincere service we have been blessed with! I am also grateful for the power of the priesthood and the comfort and healing it brings!
Saturday, August 31, 2013
From Travis
Could seriously use some good prayers/vibes heading my way. I know I
only ask without giving a lot, but I'm needy! Just about gave up doing
chemo altogether last night...I need to finish this business!
Friday, August 30, 2013
Chemo, Part 2, Week 1 done
We are moved! Chemo part 2, week 1 was awful! Travis is nauseated, has numbness, cold sensitivity, pain, and on all over awfulness feeling, and we just began. Bummer. Had a blast at This Is The Place, Dino park, and then the Zoo! Days off are exhausting but oh so fun!!
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
From Travis
Not overall loving my day so far.
But like my awesome wife reminded me, it's awesome these treatments
are available to me. Years ago I would have been out of luck. Still
sucks though, not gonna lie. Would have helped if I was feeling well to
begin with!
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Port Placed
He's out! Was a quick procedure, 3 hours of waiting to go back, but only 30 minutes to get the port placed! Dr. Foley said it went great! Waiting to see him now and take him home! It's been a long time since we've had an outpatient surgery!
Friday, August 9, 2013
Here we go!
Travis gets his port placed Tuesday and his ct scan Friday. Then he will be ready to start Chemo again on the 27th. He'll do 1 day 4hrs, then connect to a bag, then 1 day 2 hrs, then disconnect day 3. We are also moving on the 24th, craziness! Here we go!
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
6 more months of Chemo
Looks like we have 6 more months of chemo, after we work through a few complications from surgery. It'll be every other week this time and a slightly different routine. He get's a port placed, no more picc line this time, yay! We were expecting another 6 weeks, then done, was a little rough to hear we wont be done till next year. Travis is amazing though, when I started to cry he turned to comfort me! Love him so much, glad he's such a fighter!
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
From Travis
Recovery is going well. Some issues with my incision site and with my
systems getting used to working in tandem again. But overall I feel
like I am in a very good place right now. Just an update. Also, it is
getting close to some football. Good times.
Saturday, June 8, 2013
From Travis
here. After we get some post operation complications worked out, I
will do another six months of chemo and then I will be done. From there
I will start the five year waiting game.
My first fight on cancer took five months i think, this one will be over a year. A tough pill to swallow. Better than the alternative though.
My first fight on cancer took five months i think, this one will be over a year. A tough pill to swallow. Better than the alternative though.
Friday, June 7, 2013
He's home
Rick and Michelle are amazing, the kids had a blast this week! I'm so happy to have everyone home!! Travis is also home and doing well!!
From Travis:
So grateful for my life. And happy to be home from what I can only hope is my last surgery. If this stuff is gone it better stay away for good or I will punch it in the face. No bag, no cancer, no problems. Well, besides that shooting pain lol.
From Travis:
So grateful for my life. And happy to be home from what I can only hope is my last surgery. If this stuff is gone it better stay away for good or I will punch it in the face. No bag, no cancer, no problems. Well, besides that shooting pain lol.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Illeostomy Reversal Surgery Scheduled!
Travis has surgery to reverse his illeostomy on June 4th! We are excited everything looks well enough to do the surgery! Then we have another round of chemo! Trav is still in pain, we are hoping surgery #2 will help! Travs amazing, I'm so proud of him!
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
From Travis
From Travis:
Well, I am about 5 weeks removed from the big surgery now. In a couple weeks I will hopefully (if everything looks good) schedule the next and hopefully LAST surgery.
I am feeling "okay". As I've told many people it's all relative, and I feel much better than I did a few weeks ago, but patience runs thin on some days. The process is long and tiring.
I just wanted to thank everyone again for all their support. For those that simply pray or send good vibes my way, it means the world to me.
There are those that send messages and get well thoughts my way through e-mail and on here. I'm sorry I don't get back to everyone individually but I want you to know it's all helped and made me feel that much better.
There are also those that go the extra mile by helping with the kids, helping with cleaning, and helping with all the doctors appointments and hospital visits (which seem endless!).
And a special shout-out to my wife, Stacy, who never stops working. She is often more exhausted than I am by days end, and I don't blame her. But it has not slowed her down. She has shown just how amazing she is and how much she loves me and the kids. Just awesome. I couldn't have a better wife and eternal companion.
So, probably later this month I'll hopefully have the last surgery, then throw in some chemo on top after that and I could be home free! I hope so much that's the case and I can just beat this thing for good. With all your help it's been made that much more possible.
I am feeling "okay". As I've told many people it's all relative, and I feel much better than I did a few weeks ago, but patience runs thin on some days. The process is long and tiring.
I just wanted to thank everyone again for all their support. For those that simply pray or send good vibes my way, it means the world to me.
There are those that send messages and get well thoughts my way through e-mail and on here. I'm sorry I don't get back to everyone individually but I want you to know it's all helped and made me feel that much better.
There are also those that go the extra mile by helping with the kids, helping with cleaning, and helping with all the doctors appointments and hospital visits (which seem endless!).
And a special shout-out to my wife, Stacy, who never stops working. She is often more exhausted than I am by days end, and I don't blame her. But it has not slowed her down. She has shown just how amazing she is and how much she loves me and the kids. Just awesome. I couldn't have a better wife and eternal companion.
So, probably later this month I'll hopefully have the last surgery, then throw in some chemo on top after that and I could be home free! I hope so much that's the case and I can just beat this thing for good. With all your help it's been made that much more possible.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Another update
Travis' follow up this week went well. In a couple weeks they will do a test to see if his colon is doing well. If so then they will reverse the ileostomy, if not...we wait longer. Travis and Laycee have been throwing up this week, grateful that Darlene and Richard were brave enough to come and help get everyone to appointments so I could be at work! Great first week! I miss my friends at the Humanitarian Center, but I'm loving my short drive and enjoying my new adventure, as well as enjoying seeing my old friends again!
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Feeling blessed
Travis had a follow-up this week, and they did not find any cancer in any lymph nodes as well as in his colon. Looks like his pre-surgery treatment worked great! He is still recovering from surgery, but making improvements! Still learning how to deal with an ileostomy, we are getting better and making mistakes still too! Need to wait a few more weeks before the next surgery! Kids are doing great, thanks to Michelle stepping in and taking care of them so much! Thanks to Rick and Michelle for taking him to his appointments as well!
I start a new job on the 29th at the Layton DI as the Admin Assistant. I'm very excited for my new opportunity, as well as sad to leave my friends and my current job.
feeling blessed.
I start a new job on the 29th at the Layton DI as the Admin Assistant. I'm very excited for my new opportunity, as well as sad to leave my friends and my current job.

Saturday, April 13, 2013
From Travis
am writing this message from bed during one of my momentary periods of
consciousness. I want to say thank you for all the prayers and support.
All the pain and suffering and pure burdens of my life combined don't
seem to compare to last week and a half(or few months). Not going to
lie, its harder than I thought it would be. But I have felt a strength
surround me and I know it has been all of your support. I will keep up
this fight! And with the army I have had behind me I know I cannot
A very special thank you to my wife, best friend, my most trusted supporter, and my true angel, Stacy. You were the first reason I smiled waking up after surgery and you will be the last reason I ever smile when that day comes many years from now; with a billion smiles in between.
A very special thank you to my wife, best friend, my most trusted supporter, and my true angel, Stacy. You were the first reason I smiled waking up after surgery and you will be the last reason I ever smile when that day comes many years from now; with a billion smiles in between.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Day 2 at the ER
Day 2 at the ER with Travis, he finally is looking and acting like himself again. Poor guy was severely dehydrated. Thank goodness for Mark and Jeannie yesterday and Michelle today for taking care of our kids!!!
Monday, April 8, 2013
He's home
I got to bring Travis home today! Thanks to everyone for all the support! He's doing pretty good, still has a ways to go to get past the pain, but he's home!
Saturday, April 6, 2013
1 step back
Travis is still in the hospital. He got put back on a liquid diet and they gave him his iv back today, which is a step backward. The goal is to leave tomorrow, hope he turns the corner enough to do so. Feel bad for all that he has to go through, but also proud of him! He's fighting! We sure appreciate the texts and messages of support! Also appreciate my parents for clearing their schedules to be so available to take care of the kids!
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Grateful for help!
I have the best Mommy and Daddy! Its been so nice to focus my energy on Travis knowing my parents are taking care of the kids! Plus, I get awesome meals when I stop by to see the kids! The trick may be convincing the kids to move back home!!
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Surgery Day
Travis is in surgery right now! He told me everything was going to be okay before he went in! I love him so much!
Travis is out of Surgery!! Everything went good! I can't wait to see him!
Well I'm with Travis now, amazing the strength he gives me just by seeing him! He's in a ton of pain, but trying to get some sleep. Keep the prayers coming!
Before I left Travis his pain was down to a 5, they kept increasing the dosage of his meds! He's amazing, even with his pain he's putting a smile on everyone's face! I sure love that man!!
Travis is out of Surgery!! Everything went good! I can't wait to see him!
Well I'm with Travis now, amazing the strength he gives me just by seeing him! He's in a ton of pain, but trying to get some sleep. Keep the prayers coming!
Before I left Travis his pain was down to a 5, they kept increasing the dosage of his meds! He's amazing, even with his pain he's putting a smile on everyone's face! I sure love that man!!
Monday, April 1, 2013
From Travis
Well everyone, this will be my last time on here before the surgery
tomorrow. For those of you I know well now or have known well in the
past just wanted to tell you...
For everyone else: GO BRONCOS!
For everyone else: GO BRONCOS!
Wish me luck. This is gonna hurt.
Friday, March 29, 2013
Colonoscopy - No Visible Cancer!
Another colonoscopy in the books! No visible cancer, surgery still scheduled for next Tuesday to remove the area and surrounding lymph nodes. Travis is amazing!
Long day!!! Trav had some troubles with his picc line, and after getting passed around between Dr's in the hospital we ended up in the ER. Long story was okay, just the picc line cannot draw blood anymore. Poor Trav! Grateful for Richard and Darlene for spending the day watching the kids!
Long day!!! Trav had some troubles with his picc line, and after getting passed around between Dr's in the hospital we ended up in the ER. Long story was okay, just the picc line cannot draw blood anymore. Poor Trav! Grateful for Richard and Darlene for spending the day watching the kids!
Thursday, March 28, 2013
From Travis
What's that you say? This PICC line that I've been carrying on my
arm since February that literally never got used for anything but
flushes and dressing changes went bad? And I need to get another one
put in before my next round of Chemo which could be very soon?
No sweat...I guess!
No sweat...I guess!
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Thursday, March 21, 2013
From Travis
So my last (hopefully) surgery will be on June 4th. Hopefully after
that my body can start to get back to normal. We have chemo planned
too, but that seems so easy now compared to the last couple months.
After the chemo I could very well be done for good!!!
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Sidewalk Chalk - Blue for Daddy!
April 2nd Travis will be having surgery to remove the cancer, as well
as get an Ileostomy. The ileostomy is recommended because radiation
makes it harder to heal, and by re-routing his bowels for six weeks it
will give his colon enough time to heal properly! Then he will have
another surgery to remove the ileostomy. After surgeries are all done
he still has another round of Chemo, so we still have a ways to go, but
Trav's still fighting!! (The picture is what the kids colored on the
sidewalk a couple days ago, it says Blue for Daddy and has ribbons!)

Friday, March 1, 2013
Dress in Blue day!!
From Travis:
Lots of blue in the house today!
Colon cancer is one of the most preventable of the cancers. I recommend anyone worried that they may have it, whether a close relative has it or you are having symptoms, to GET SCREENED!
Take my advice, the screening is CAKE compared to fighting off this stuff. Don't wait please. While it's easy to prevent it's also vicious once it gets going.
From Travis:
Lots of blue in the house today!
Colon cancer is one of the most preventable of the cancers. I recommend anyone worried that they may have it, whether a close relative has it or you are having symptoms, to GET SCREENED!
Take my advice, the screening is CAKE compared to fighting off this stuff. Don't wait please. While it's easy to prevent it's also vicious once it gets going.
They say start at 50, but you'd be shocked to know how many doctors
I've heard say people really should start thinking about screening it at
40. Just something to keep in mind.
Cancer sucks! Lets kick it's face!
Cancer sucks! Lets kick it's face!
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
A billion thumbs up to the "Cancer Patient" parking outside the Huntsman Center at McKay Dee. Skadoosh!
Sunday, February 10, 2013
From Travis

To echo my beautiful wife, I wanted to say thank you to everyone who's helped, offered prayers, support, good vibes, etc. You've made this all that much better to go through. It's not easy facing this kind of thing, and all the support from our family has been excellent. As well as all the friends that have reached out to us. It's been so awesome. There are too many people to name, I don't want to leave anyone out. Thank you all so so so so so much.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Round 1 is complete
Chemo round 1 is done and only 2 more days of radiation left! Travis
will meet with his surgeon in a few weeks; surgery will be in 5 weeks,
and chemo round 2 a few weeks after that. We are excited to have a
little break and be done with the first step of the process. So
grateful for my family that worked tirelessly to keep my family going!
There were so many sacrifices that were made to keep my family fed,
house clean, kids happy, and to get Trav to his appointments! The best
thing that has come out of the last 5 weeks is an even greater
appreciation for God’s plan and for families! Through our trials in
life my family has always been there, even Amy's family all the way in
Washington found ways to support us! Families are awesome!!
Monday, January 21, 2013
Week 3 of Chemo and Radiation
Quick update on Travis:
We just started week 3 of chemo and radiation. We have had some
fantastic help getting Trav to his appointments, helping out with the
kids and making us meals! Trav’s tolerating things as well as I think
can be expected. His PICC line has been giving him some troubles, it
bleeds if he moves! He is nauseated and experiencing some pain, due to
the radiation. But, he’s still pushing himself
along and we are still praying! Earlier today we enjoyed some time
together, as a family, outside of the house, not at a doctors, without
his Chemo bag! It was wonderful! It’s silly how excited I get at moments
of “normal,” but I sure enjoyed sitting with my family and laughing
like there wasn’t a care in the world! Thanks for all the support! It
truly is touching to receive so much support. Love y’all!
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Chemo Drives
Ugh, what an awful drive, I'm already dreading my morning commute tomorrow. Feel bad Suzie and Michelle
had to spend 2 1/2 hrs going home from my place and Suzie had to spend
an additional 45 minutes getting Trav home from his appointment...up the
street. Grateful I have such a wonderful family to help us out though!
Monday, January 7, 2013

Hunter's first day of Sunbeams was yesterday, Aiden lost his first tooth, and Travis started his first day of Chemo and Radiation today. A lot of firsts!
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